Verizon Pantech UM175 Mobile Wireless Card on Mac OS 10.5 with Native Drivers

18 Oct 2008

Apple has a discussion forum going on this very card, but I couldn't make heads or tails of which was actually the right solution. So, I present to you here, screenshots and a walkthrough of the setup.

1) Purchase a Verizon Pantech UM175, one of the latest USB wireless cards from Verizon. Should be able to get it for $0 with a 2 year contract.

2) Plug it in. Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard will detect it as a modem

3) Change the settings per the screenshots below
3.a) Vendor: Sierra, Model: CDMA, Dial Mode: Ignore dial tone when dialing
3.b) Telephone Number: #777, Account Name:, Password: VZW

Verizon Wireless Card Settings 2.png Verizon Wireless Card Settings 1.png